My Profession as a Vocational Trainer eBook

is a simplified reference for you to pursue a professional trainer career path.
The training concept, the successful trainer, the art of andragogy, the training cycle, presentation skills, the PCT® program, and training terminology.

A new qualitative leap for every applied instructional designer, teacher, and trainer with a mission.

More than a Reference


A new qualitative leap for every trainer, every practical teacher, and the holder of a professional mission.


The reference is simplified and is the first in its field, which is considered an approved curriculum for obtaining the first knowledge certificate in training science.


A reference needed by everyone working in the field of training, education and development.

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A message from the Author

I deliberately kept the texts and materials short for each item in this book. The focus is on the methodology that constitutes a professional umbrella for the reader that he can add to in an order that accepts expansion while maintaining the academic sequence using the ABC division.
My profession as a coach is a summary that the coach needs for a simplified professional start and to reshape the mentality of those in the coaching profession.

Dr. Mahmoud Al-tayeh

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